Tel : (01302) 709657
The Greenacres Cattery, Doncaster, Norton - Terms and Conditions
- A full days board is charged for the days of arrival and departure.
- A non-refundable deposit is charged on confirmation of booking. This deposit is then deducted from the final bill.
- Cancellation ÃÂ Bookings cancelled with under seven days notice are liable for the full boarding fee.
- Rates include VAT, heating, bedding and food
- The cattery is open for boarding all year but is closed for admissions and collections in line with our published opening hours.
- Only cats from the same household may share a chalet.
- Male cats over the age of seven months which have not been neutered will not be accepted for boarding.
- Rates do not include veterinary treatment, medication, veterinary diets, treats or foods other than standard.
- The boarding fees include tinned and dry foods which are readily available in the supermarkets. They do not include veterinary diets, fresh meats or fish and other similar foods which would need to be supplied by the owner.
- A booking form will be sent out to you for completion.
- Only cats that have a current vaccination certificate against feline infectious enteritis and upper respiratory infection (cat flu) can be accepted for boarding. Owners must produce an up to date certificate on arrival or we cannot accept the cats. We would also recommend vaccination against feline leukaemia.
- If your cat's annual booster has expired and you are advised to have a new course of injections, please be aware that we cannot accept your cat for boarding until 7 days after the second and final injection.
- No cat suffering from or suspected to be suffering from any infections or contagious disease will be accepted. All cats will be examined on arrival. We reserve the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health pending advice from a vet.
- We regret that we are unable to receive customers outside of the opening hours as stated. This is to safeguard the privacy of the boarded cats and ensure best practice.
- It is the owners responsibility to make sure they bring their cats in to the cattery in a suitable secure carrier which must be left at the cattery for the duration of the cats stay.
- We request that cat collars are removed prior to arrival, any cat wearing a collar will have it removed for the duration of it‘s stay, for safety reasons.
- Veterinary attendance is assured. Should any cat show signs of ill health during it‘s stay we will seek veterinary treatment where necessary. This treatment is chargeable to the owner and will be added to their final bill.
- Mileage will be charged for each trip to the Vet at a rate of ã0.25p per mile and added to the final bill.
- We will not accept liability for any illness occurring due to an undisclosed condition such as an allergy.
- In the unlikely event that a cat is not eating what the owner has specified we reserve the right to try alternatives in order to make sure that the cat is eating properly.
- We are happy to administer medication, including tablets, ointment, eye drops etc. where they have been prescribed by your own vet.
- Visiting of cats during their stay is not permitted.
- Cats should be treated for fleas and worms prior to boarding using a quality veterinary recommended product. Any cat found to be suffering with either will be treated and a charge will be added to the bill. A charge may also be added for any extra cleaning and grooming that is required as a result.
- In the event of the owner returning before the end of the booked period, the full period will still be charged.
- If any boarder is not collected on the stated departure date and we receive no satisfactory explanation or payment, we reserve the right to make arrangements for the cat to be re-homed via a recognised charity.
- Payment of fees will be made at the time of collection. Payment can be made by cash or cheque only.
- Owners making long term bookings will be asked to pay one month‘s boarding in advance and thereafter settle their account monthly.
- Whilst cats boarding at Greenacres receive every care and attention, they are boarded entirely at the risk of the owner.
- We reserve the right to refuse admittance on any grounds.